Thursday, 29 March 2012

Final Evaluation question 6

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product? 

Looking back to when we first started this task, I knew very little about camera use and the different types of shots which can be used to adjust the lighting, and the presence of your model. I used my own camera which is a Sony camera, 12.1 mega pixels. This provided good quality pictures at first, but seemed to lack the final edge to them once they had been put on to PhotoShop. I then therefore swapped camera to using the schools cameras, which had a better final touch to them. I took many test shots so I could get used to how the cameras lighting and quality worked, before selecting which photos where best, after receiving feedback from some students in the class about which they thought were the best ones. 

Apart from photography, I have used a wide range of internet programs which I have never used before, the most obvious one being PhotoShop. Over the period of time I feel that I have became more advanced in the program, and now find the majority of it very easy to use. Cutting photos out and changing the ways that they look eg. Black and white, hue, saturation, was a very big factor in my final product and I’m glad that I have learnt this skills so that I can take them on it the future

Other programs that I hadn’t used before were programs such as Scribd, Slideshare, Flickr and even Blogger. I have learnt about all the different ways Microsoft Word and Microsoft Powerpoint documents can be uploaded to my blog, and how to embed codes in order to present the post clearly. 

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